Fabricación de otra maquinaria para usos específicos
Productos y servicios
Fabricación y venta de maquinaria para la industria alimentaria y de bebidas. Distribución y comercialización de equipos auxiliares y repuestos para la misma, y la asistencia técnica para dicha actividad y afines.
Fabricación de maquinaria para la industria de la alimentación, bebidas y tabaco
Fabricación de maquinaria para la industria de la alimentación, bebidas y tabaco
Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing
The company is a privately held company engaged in the development of machinery for all type of bottles and production of filling, closing and packing systems. The company was established in 1944. The registered head office of the company is located in Cisterniga, Spain. The company projects and builds the most complex systems of bacteriological filtration units. It develops and mounts facilities for the packaging of beverages, providing integral bottling projects for complete plants or "turn-key" factories. Since 1944, the company manufactured more than 24,000 machines and performed more than 1,100 industrial projects, for more than 7,000 customers worldwide. Its products are bottles depalletization; conveyors specially designed for each container, bottle, either plastic, glass or tin; pasteurization and cooling equipment; washing machines; rinsing and blowing machines; carbonation machines; bacteriological filtration units; fillers; sealing equipment; labelling and control machines; codification equipment; packing machines; packaging and palletization systems; and wrapping and protection equipment.