Alquiler de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta propia
Productos y servicios
Alquiler de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta propia
Alquiler de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta propia
Renting and operating of own or leased real estate
This privately owned company is engaged in letting of real estate properties. The company acts as lessor of own properties including buildings used as residences or dwellings, such as single-family homes, apartment buildings, and town homes. It also rents real estate and act as lessors in subleasing it to others for commission or a fee. Its services includes basic service or the introduction of a Landlord to a tenant, collecting the rent from a tenant for an additional 2-3 percent commission, which focus on day-to-day management of a rental property. The company was incorporated in January of 1980 and has its registered head office in Valladolid, Spain.